In this section dedicated to the bibliography on biophilia, you will find a selection of fundamental texts that explore the link between human beings and nature. These books and articles offer theoretical, scientific, and practical insights into the topic, contributing to a more complete understanding of how biophilia impacts our well-being and daily choices. Whether you are a nature enthusiast or an industry professional, this collection of resources will guide you in discovering this fascinating topic.


  • Barbiero, G., Berto, R., 2016, Nuova Edizione 2024. Introduzione alla biofilia. La relazione con la Natura tra genetica e psicologia. Carocci, Roma, IT
  • Baroni M. R., Berto R., 2013. Stress ambientale – Cause e strategie di intervento – Carocci, Roma, IT
  • Browning, W.D., Ryan, C.O., 2020. Nature Inside: A biophilic design guide. RIBA Publishing, London, UK
  • Fromm,E., 1956. The art of Loving. New York: Harper & Row
  • Fromm, E., 1964. The Heart of Man: Its Genius for Good and Evil. New York: Harper & Row
  • Fromm, E., 1976. To have or to be? New York: Bantam Books
  • Kellert, S. R., and Wilson, E. O., 1993. The Biophilia Hypothesis. Washington, DC: Island Press
  • Kellert, S. R., 1997. Kinship to Mastery. Biophilia in Human Evolution and Development. Washington, DC: Island Press
  • Kellert, S. R., Heerwagen, J., and Mador, P., 2008. Biophilic Design. The Theory, Science, and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons
  • Pazzaglia F., Tizi L., 2022, Che cos’è il restorative design, Carocci, Roma
  • Wilson, E.O., 1984. Biophilia, Harvard University Press, Cambridge (MA)
  • Wilson, E.O., 2002. The Future of Life. Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY

Scientific Articles

  • Becker, F.D. et al. (1983). Office Design in a Community College: Effect on Work and Communications Patterns, in “Environment and Behaviour”, 15, (6), pp. 699-726
  • Berto, R., 2005, Exposure to Restorative Environments Helps Restore the Attentional Capacity, in “Journal of Environmental Psichology”, 25, pp.249-59
  • Berto R., Barbiero G., (2017b), Biophilic Quality Index: come rendere “rigenerativo” l’edificio nZE, in “Azero”, 25, pp.88-95
  • Barbiero, G., Berto, R., Venturella, A., Maculan, N. (2021), Bracing Biophilia: When biophilic design promotes pupil’s attentional performance, perceived restorativeness and affiliation with Nature, “Environment, Development and Sustainability”, Springer LinK,
  • Berto R.. Barbiero G., Salingaros N.A. (2022), Biophilic Design of Buiding Façades from an Evolutionary Psichology Framework: Visual Attention Software Compared to Perceived Restorativeness, in “Visions for Sustainability”, 19, 7054, pp. 91-124 (
  • Bolten, B., Barbiero, G., 2020. Biophilic Design: How to enhance physical and psychological health and wellbeing in our built environments. Visions for Sustainability, 13, 11-16. (
  • Brookes M.J., Kaplan A. (1972), The Office Environment: Space Planning and Affective Behaviour, in “ Human Factors”, 14 (5), pp. 373-91
  • Browning, W.D., Ryan, C.O., & Clancy, J.O. (2014). 14 Patterns of Biophilic Design
  • Jones D. M., Chapman A. J., Auburn T. C. (1981), Noise in the Environment: A social Prospective, in “Journal of Environmental Psichology”, I, pp. 43-59
  • Kaplan S., 1995. The restorative effects of nature: Toward an integrative framework, in “Journal of Environmental Psychology”, 15, pp. 169-182
  • Kellert, S. R., Heerwagen, J., & Mador, M. (2008). Biophilic Design: the Theory, Science,and Practice of Bringing Buildings to Life. Hoboken, New Jersey,  USA: Wiley
  • Knez I.(1995), Effects of Indoor Lighting on Mood and Cognition, in “Journal of Environmental Psichology”,15 (I), pp. 39-51
  • Ulrich R.S., Simons R.F., Losito B.D., Fiorito E., Miles M.A., Zelson M., 1991. Stress recovery during exposure to natural and urban environments, in “Journal of Environmental Psychology”, 11, pp. 201–230
  • Venturella A., Barbiero, G., 2021. Bracing Biophilia: l’esperienza educativa della scuola biofila di Gressoney-La-Trinité. Ecologia della Salute – n°2 aprile 2021, 49-61.


Biophilic Design - Stephen R. Kellert

"Biophilic Design" by Stephen R. Kellert, Judith H. Heerwagen and Martin L. Mador analyzes the innate connection between man and nature, illustrating how the integration of natural elements into built environments can improve psychophysical well-being, increase productivity and promote sustainability, through design principles that favor a harmonious interaction between artificial spaces and the natural world.

Ecologia Affettiva - Giuseppe Barbiero

"Ecologia Affettiva" by Giuseppe Barbiero explores the emotional relationship between human beings and nature, highlighting how interaction with the natural environment can promote psychological well-being, the development of ecological empathy and a profound sense of connection with the living world, through an interdisciplinary approach that integrates biology, psychology and environmental education.

Introduzione alla Biofilia - Giuseppe Barbiero, Rita Berto

"Introduzione alla Biofilia" by Giuseppe Barbiero and Rita Berto delves into the concept of biophilia, i.e. the innate attraction of human beings to nature, analyzing its scientific basis, the beneficial effects on psychophysical well-being and practical applications in areas such as education, space design and environmental sustainability, through a multidisciplinary approach that combines ecology, neuroscience and environmental psychology.

The Biophilia Hypothesis - Stephen R. Kellert, Edward O. Wilson

"The Biophilia Hypothesis" by Stephen R. Kellert and Edward O. Wilson develops the idea that human beings possess an innate affinity for nature, exploring its evolutionary roots, psychological implications and benefits for individual and collective well-being, through an interdisciplinary perspective involving biology, ecology, ethology and social sciences, highlighting the importance of preserving biodiversity and integrating natural elements into daily life.