Gallery - Biophilia Projects in the World
Certified Project
2024_The Forest - Milano (Italy) - Edileco Progettazione srl
"The Forest" is an ambitious urban regeneration project in Milan, conceived to integrate nature and architecture in a model of sustainability and urban well-being. Located in the heart of the city, the project stands out for its innovative use of Biophilic Design, which combines green spaces, natural materials and sustainable architectural solutions to create a regenerative urban ecosystem.
The objective of "The Forest" is to offer an environment that promotes mental and physical well-being, promotes biodiversity and encourages a sustainable lifestyle. Through a harmonious fusion of technology and nature, the project represents a new paradigm for urban development, in line with the principles of the circular economy and environmental resilience.

2019_Primary School - Gressoney La Trinité (Italy) - Be-Eco
The recovery project of the Gressoney La Trinité primary school by Be-Eco in the person of the architect Matteo Miriglio, led, thanks to the work of the Green Leaf research group of the University of Valle d'Aosta, to obtain certification as the first school building in Italy certified in Biophilic Design.

credit: Green Leaf - Uni VdA
Projects that are close to BD
2019_Rayon de Soleil - Aosta (Italy) - Edileco Progettazione srl
Not far from the city of Aosta, on the hill of the regional capital, the recovery of the historic buildings carried out by Edileco soc. coop. it is a bridge project between the nature of the Aosta Valley company, which has always been committed to the energy requalification of buildings, and the desire to tackle each new job according to the Biophilic Design guidelines.

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